Wednesday, September 28, 2011


One year ago today I was flying to Copenhagen for the start of my sabbatical. I wish, wish, WISH I could do it all over again--preferably without the balky leg. Instead, I'll be teaching today, which I love, and doing physical therapy. I had no idea this ordeal would last a year, but I'm hopeful we're making progress now. Tonight I'll be reading my travel journal and feeling very nostalgic...

My Big Excitement

I recently traveled to Phoenix for the opening of an exhibition I curated. It was great to be back in the Valley of the Sun and a thrill to see the show. (See me grinning wickedly at the preview.) The evening event was well attended by a very "mixed-up" crowd. In particular, I enjoyed meeting Jerry Montoya, one of the artists in the show. (His day job is teaching art in the LA area.) If you're in the Phoenix area in the next few months, please go visit the Tempe Center for the Arts and see our efforts. For more info: