Sunday, October 25, 2015

Losing My Grip...

It's the season for seafood festivals here, which means it's time to get cracking. Yesterday we took on stone crabs with friends. With many years experience at this event, we arrived fully prepared to do battle. Newbies laughed as we unloaded aprons, drop cloths, hammers, and clamps, but they didn't laugh long. We felt sorry for the band performing to the banging percussion of improvised wooded clubs smashing claws. Place sounded like a constructions site, with an occasional screech as someone was hit with shrapnel or a spritz of crab juice. It would be embarrassing to list everything consumed at our table, so we'll just blame most of it on our friend Eric and his two hollow legs. Next year: more cash, surgical instruments, and vice grips!

Monday, October 12, 2015

Signs of Fall

Brewing my first cup of tea for the chilly season (blueberry bliss!). Humidity has broken, and this morning it's 55*/13C. Back to lovin' northern FLA!

Thursday, October 8, 2015


On-the-job sunset. With wine and treats. Doesn't get much better!

Sunday, October 4, 2015


The cooler weather got us out exploring today, and we discovered a great recreation area across the road from our new place. We hiked around the lake--don't tell my doctor!--and thought about coming back with our kayaks until Tom spotted a big gator (6-7') hanging out on a little island. Hot tub is next, but we're looking forward to seeing what else the place has to offer. Also need to return for better pix when there's a blue sky.