Friday, September 8, 2017

Hurricane Irma

Once the 'cane hits, we expect to lose power. I'll post updates here from my phone, as possible.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Sunday, March 26, 2017


The book is out, and the editorial team celebrated last evening. Cheers to Ann and Jay as well as our spouses who put up with all the craziness. Now back to what passes for "normal" life...

Friday, March 10, 2017

Finally Spring Break!

Book is in the rear-view mirror, and it's time to play. We head to Arizona tomorrow for many happy reunions, new adventures, and admittedly a little bit of work. Dropped Holly at the doggie spa earlier today. Think there's any chance of her missing us? Check out the tail action before you respond...

Thursday, February 2, 2017


Big book project is the culmination of my career, but its production has been a super trying and frustrating process. (And way more grief than it needed to be.) The editorial team met for 6.5 hours today to figure a way forward, and everything is due in a week. Ugh.