Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Ups and Downs

SATURDAY EVENING, 27 October. The conference was more tedious today, with most presentations in Chinese and scarce interpretation. This was also the day I started my deep knee bends. Just prepping to use the squatter was an ordeal - roll up the pants legs, tie the scarf around the neck to prevent slippage, flip the trailing ends of the sweater over the opposite shoulder, and wade in. Then assume the position before remembering to check for the always-absent paper products. (Try not to picture this at home...) After a full day (8-5) at the conference, we still had dinner and a Chinese opera performance on the schedule. Fortunately, another international speaker persuaded me to go back to the hotel instead. Why was that fortunate? Shortly thereafter, my stomach told me all was not well. Then came the ups and downs. I've never gotten sick in Asia before, although I know it can happen. I have no regrets in making the trip, although I was thankful to be near a Western toilet when the fun and games began.

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