Sunday, December 8, 2013

Not Feelin' the White Christmas Part

(With apologies to those who are freezing...) We're trying to decorate our Christmas trees today, with doors open and the ceiling fan whirring. It's 75*/24C. Tom is in shorts, and Holly is prancing around in her skin, howling along to the carols we're blasting. We're running later than usual this year, but I always try to finish up before my birthday. Here is a photo of the purple tree.


  1. Enjoy! This must be your fave wall ever :)... Nice weather. It's 39*/4C here now. It was lower yesterday and the day before, but not snow as initially forecasted...

  2. Thanks, Pat! After all your complaints of cold weather in Sept-Oct, now you have 24C! Can't complain here, it's 2 to 6C, light frost in the mornings, but beautiful sunny days - and expected to last for the whole week
