Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Drama in the Dental Chair

Warning: If you are not fond of going to the dentist, stop reading now. Today I went in for a crown, and the experience was everything I dreaded and more. In two and a half hours in the chair, there were five shots of novocaine, multiple rounds of drilling, and laser work under my gum line. Somehow in all the fun and games, my tongue got cut, but the worst was when the dentist pushed back and exclaimed, "I can't do this!" My tongue is now the size of the Goodyear blimp, and my jaw is pulsing, even though it's still numb. This did nothing for my dental phobia other than giving me impure thoughts of drinking my dinner...


  1. Wow! So sorry to hear all of that. Hope you start feeling better very soon!

  2. Eating ice cream as I try to figure a way to ice my poor tongue...
