Sunday, July 10, 2011

Wildlife Sightings in the 'hood

Blue Jay Way is popping with baby frogs, some of them so “fresh” they still have tails. They seem to be the main source of protein for a feral cat that delivered a litter of four in the neighbors’ wood pile. At the end of the road, another neighbor has a roly-poly woodchuck living under his deck. And in the woods near the snow-melt lake are several raccoons, each chubbier than the next. At dusk we hear them growling at each other as they come by prowling for food. As the water has receded a bit, the Canadian geese have moved on, but the wood ducks remain. And, of course, we have countless squirrels, both gray and red, and chipmunks galore. All of this keeps Holly plenty entertained—yet she wonders why I won’t let her off her leash…

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