Sunday, August 4, 2013

August 4th. Really?!...

...And the furnace is on this morning. Again. Seeing the forecast, I added another blanket to my bed last night, but I woke early shivering. Without crawling out of my nest, I fumbled for my hooded sweatshirt for additional warmth. After two cycles of the furnace, I am up, clutching my warm tea cup. Outlook is the same for my remaining week here. Might as well start packing the warm-weather clothes... More blogging to follow. Wifi has been abysmal here.


  1. Wow, what a summer! We have been more favoured here in Belgium: July was gorgeous, lots of sun, heat wave, the works. Now, it's much cooler since a few days, and we will have no more really warm days, but nothing like what you have in Door County.

  2. ... and I'm still trying to get used to the high temperatures here in San Antonio. At some point last week my car showed 109 degrees fahrenheit (42.77 in celsius) when I got in it! Talk about Summer being SUMMER here! Crazy!!
