Sunday, November 21, 2010

Bump in the Road

Or my not-so-excellent Satuday... First, I have to admit the my recent purchase of knee brace and big shoes empowered me, and I likely put in too much mileage on Thursday and Friday. I was feeling my knee as Friday evening approached, so I returned to my apartment, removed the brace, and sat for a long time with my laptop. The leg did not want to straighten when I finally stood, and I impatiently pressed on it a bit. I felt a twang, saw a few stars, and collapsed on my bed, using some of my best Dutch vocabulary. I was startled and concerned but hoped a good night's rest would do the trick.

Not so. I really couldn't walk come Saturday morning. Suddenly my excitment over my remaining sabbatical turned to thoughts of how I could possibly get through the next two weeks. (This is not like me at all.) Sadly, I decided to see whether it was possible to head home early. I spent several hours having no luck contacting the airlines. Eventually I gave up and decided to wait to see what Monday would bring. It's not Monday yet, but Sunday is much better--or certainly no worse that it had been earlier in the week. The very difficult lesson is that I need to pace myself, which I am not good at at all. (It just about killed me to waste a sunny, blue Saturday sitting in my apartment in Amsterdam. Not that I could walk, but still.)

It's another beautiful day here, and I plan to go out later to test the knee. I suspect I won't have to take the stairs on my butt, which I did yesterday. (And I thought it was bad enough that my black coat is constantly covered with dust from everything I'm leaning up against.) You've already seen the staircases, so I'm posting pix of the outside stoop and treacherous stairs (no railings). Don't even want to think about them with ice, and snow is in the forecast for later in the week.

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