Monday, November 15, 2010

This Evening

I'm watching the Belgian news in Dutch. (The channels from the Netherlands are currently showing game shows and soap operas.) All that rain I was complaining about has caused some flooding, particularly in Belgium. I tried taking a pile of dirty clothes to a stomerij (laundry/"steamery") late this afternoon, but it was closed. Consequently, I'm "steaming" some underwear on the radiator. I just had a massive dinner consisting of the world's largest meat ball and stoemp (say "stew" with an "mp" on the end). That's a hearty mash of potatoes and veg. One of the big reasons I got an apartment here was to be able to take some of my meals at home. (I have a microwave and a fridge.) Unfortunately, I'm not finding the nice selection of ready-made meals I enjoyed in England. I need to find an alternative tomorrow before I turn into a meatball...

1 comment:

  1. I also bought some nice Dutch cheese today. Just posting that to help Tom miss me more...
