I had some tough travels to the train station this morning, hitting countless stairs and snapping the handle on my rolling duffle. By my count, I'll be moving to new locations 10 times this month, so I really need to lighten my load. It was nice having a bit more clothes when I was staying put, but this is unmanageable for my knee with frequent traveling. Cue Tom, my hero, who arrives tomorrow and certainly will be taking home some of this weight for me.
So today was my L-O-N-G awaited Chunnel crossing. What was I thinking?! I like riding on the train because of the scenery. Duh! A full one minute after pulling out of the London station--not kidding--we were already underground, surfacing only a few times to get a brief industrial view and have our ears pop. One hour later, after more time in a dark tunnel, we were in Calais, and I got to see a bit of the French and Belgian countryside out of a sliver of window. But I am on the continent, and I am thrilled! I had a wonderful time in England, but this is "home." And starting tomorrow I get to start showing Tom around. (We have plans to eat one of everything!) I should add that I've been warm and cozy in my hotel rooms since leaving Leicester. It's also easier crossing the street now that everyone is driving on the "right" side again... Happy, happy, happy!
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