Today started bleakly, with me breaking off the plug on my converter as I prepared to turn on my computer. Well, that made one more thing to shop for. I strapped on my knee brace and headed to the center of Amsterdam. My top priority was finding some sturdy shoes to help stabilize my knee on all the uneven surfaces here. I succeeded at a Skechers store after trying on something like 227 options--or at least it must have felt that way to the young woman who was trying to help me. Remember the Bridget Jones movie and her "big pants"? Well, I now feel like I'm clomping around in big shoes, but my knee is feeling much better. (Just wish I could do some actual shopping here. Would love to get some clothes--and a new European kitchen, too...)
As I headed off to an electronics store, I got sucked into a McDonald's for lunch. The sign in the window promised two unique offerings: chicken satay and shrimp!!! Um, let's just say I regretted my indiscretion and think Mickey D's should stick to selling burgers. Not that they're good, or anything. To make up for all my trauma, I decided to treat myself to Ethiopian tonight, and it was delicious.
On the way to the restaurant, I picked out my dream home. Some of you know that I do fantasy real estate shopping most places I go. I'd been too distracted to work on it here until I turned the corner and fell in love. (I bet it has a nice kitchen.) Message to Tom: Win the lottery and then start packing. I'll be home soon!
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